Personal mindset training

Coaching is designed for those who are truly committed to taking their life and career to the next level.
Estonian and English

As a former professional basketball player, Kerdu Lenear understands the mental and physical obstacles that can arise on the path to true success, and as a certified neuroencoding specialist, she knows how to help you overcome them. 

Her mentor is an ultimate high-performance coach and neuropsychologist with 35 years of experience, Joseph McClendon III. He is also Tony Robbins' collaborator and a speaker at the world-renowned UPW seminar.

Are you interested or committed?

Kerdu works with ambitious individuals,who are ready to uncover self-sabotage, overcome their fears, and boost their confidence to achieve their biggest goals. If you are ready to step out of your comfort zone and reach new heights in both your professional and personal life, get in touch.

Kerdu doesn’t work with those who are merely interested but not ready to commit to making real changes in their lives or investing in improving their lives. 

Her coaching requires commitment, initiative, and the willingness to step beyond your limits. If these qualities resonate with you, then Kerdu is ready to support you on your journey to true success. Let's get further faster together!

Young adult man doing high five to female friends for sport motivation

STOP technique

Break through your fears and self-handicapping with the 10-day STOP process.
Personal and team training available in English

Do you often procrastinate, doubt yourself, or fear rejection, failure, or even success? You are not alone. Many people face these dream-stealers. Transform your life with the simple yet powerful STOP technique. This easy, but highly effective tool teaches you how to interrupt negative thought patterns and take control of your emotions so they no longer control you. 

Imagine a life where you can effortlessly replace fear and frustration with courage and calm. Where, instead of procrastinating, you start taking action that helps you reach your goals and increase your productivity. 

Join this 1-hour intensive session and start your 10-day journey to mastering emotional management today!

Champion's mindset

Take your performance to the next level with mindset training designed for athletes aged 14+. ENGLISH CURRENTLY AVAILABLE FOR PERSONAL TRAINING ONLY!
Personal and team training available in English

Do you want to learn how to better manage your nerves and pre-competition anxiety, turn failures into opportunities, and develop confidence and focus? This is where the CHAMPIONS' Mindset comes into play, strengthening your mental abilities and improving your performance.

Whether you're an athlete, coach, or parent, this program teaches techniques to take the mental strength of both young and adult athletes to the next level. We support you in reaching your goals. Engaging video workouts and practical exercises will help you achieve better results not only in sports but in other areas of life as well.

Don’t settle for good performance only in practice—show your true abilities in competition as well. Get ready to surpass yourself!


Personal training available in English

Don’t destroy your dreams with excuses—give yourself the tools to overcome inner turmoil and start living as the woman you truly deserve to be.

These 6 steps from the training program were exactly what Mindset Fitness founder Kerdu Lenear took to make a life-changing pivot. These steps led her to start her first business with no prior experience. If you’re unsure of what you want, we’ll help you gain clarity. If you’re facing a midlife crisis, it might be a sign that you need a change.

Don’t just watch others live their lives—discover what you are truly capable of. Join this self-paced training and take the first step toward your dream!

Smiling young woman in earphones watching webinar

Mindset fitness webinars

Practical tips for training your mindset and managing your time NEW WEBINARS IN ENGLISH COMING SOON! CURRENTLY AVAILABLE FOR PERSONAL TRAINING ONLY.
English webinars coming soon

Discover practical solutions and tips in four different webinars that will help improve the quality of life for both you and your children.

"Tips for moms" introduces five practical tools to help train your child's mental muscles, enabling them to better manage emotions and boost their confidence.

"Be the boss of your time" webinar teaches how to manage your time effectively to accomplish the most important tasks each day and use your work time 10-20% more efficiently.

"Win your morning win your day" program offers three simple steps for starting your day calm, joyful, and productive, reducing anxiety and increasing focus. 

"Mindset Training" teaches you how to train your brain to worry less, control emotions, and act more boldly, offering six exercises that help shift a bad mood and boost confidence.

Join these webinars and start your journey toward better well-being and a more successful life today!


Beautiful confident woman


Turn insecurity into your strength.
Estonian and English

Are you tired of constantly doubting yourself? Do you feel like you're in a constant internal battle that's hindering your ability to take action? If these questions resonate with you, then you're in the right place. 

The Confidence Masterclass is designed to boost your self-confidence. This self-paced training program provides you with science-based tools to turn insecurity into strength and achieve extraordinary results. The training includes five transformative sessions where you'll learn to manage emotions, maintain focus, eliminate self-doubt, and embed lasting confidence in your nervous system.

Join this training and start living with limitless confidence!

Fitness, sunset or sport couple celebration sport motivation, running goal or workout achievement g


Break your negative patterns in 5 weeks and unlock your full potential.
Estonian and English

Do you often feel like you KNOW you can do better and be more, but you just don't know how to pull yourself out of negative patterns?

Mõttemuskli RESTART on 5-nädalane transformatiivne programm, mis aitab sul vabaneda takistavatest mõtetest, uskumustest ja käitumistest. Õpi tuvastama ja muutma halbu harjumusi, kasutama neuroteadust edu saavutamiseks, ümberprogrammeerima oma aju positiivseteks harjumusteks, rakendama neid igapäevaelus ning kasvatama oma edu.

This is an investment in your future, and by participating in the training program, you’re taking an important step to overcome the limitations that are holding you back. Liitu treeninguga ja avasta, kuidas avada oma täielik potentsiaal.

They are so excited


Program your life with a 12-step program and go further faster.
Estonian and English

ULTIMATE SUCCESS playbook is a comprehensive 12-module program led by certified neuroencoding specialist Kerdu Lenear.

It is designed to help you reprogram your life using cutting-edge neuroscience methods. Each module introduces a new ‘code’ that can be installed into your brain’s software, enabling you to transform your life with greater ease and joy.

Join the training and learn how to achieve good health, wealth and happiness.

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