Kerdu Lenear

Inspiring. Practical.



Kerdu mitte ainult ei inspireeri sind ja sinu tiimi mõtteviisi muutma, vaid ka õpetab kuidas seda teha läbi praktiliste mõttemuskli trennide.

Train Your Team for Peak Performance

Reaching the top in business requires the same type of a courage, persistence, focus, and willingness to take risks as in sports. Economic fluctuations and uncertainty can create a stressful work environment, where leaders often hear more about problems than solutions. Many companies face situations where fear hinders action, leading to procrastination, hesitation and self-doubt. This type of a self-handicapping can hold back individuals and teams, block innovation, and hurt overall company performance. 

Kerdu's experience as a former professional basketball player highlights how closely the worlds of sports and business are connected. Elite athletes don’t reach the top through physical training alone—mental strength is equally vital. And it’s not a privilege reserved for Olympians; anyone can learn to train their mindset to achieve greater goals and better results. 

Mindset Fitness helps companies develop a winning mentality, essential for conquering new markets and staying competitive. We train teams like professional athletes, teaching them to turn fear into a driving force that enables them to manage emotions under pressure and make bold decisions with confidence.

Mindset Fitness CEO & Founder

Kerdu Lenear

What do you need?

Why invite Kerdu for a training?

Kerdu mitte ainult ei inspireeri sind, sinu tiimi või publikut oma elu kvaliteeti tõstma, vaid ka õpetab kuidas seda teha läbi meeleolukate, praktiliste ja teaduslikel elementidel põhinevate mõttemuskli trennide, nii eesti kui inglise keeles.

Online Fitness

Practical exercises & tools:

Kerdu ensures that you leave each workshop not only with a deeper understanding of the theory but also equipped with practical exercises or a step-by-step guide that you can immediately put into practice.

Strong Muscle


Participants in Kerdu's workshops risk becoming addicted to her optimism and positivity. As Pille-Riin Villem once said: "Could we somehow bottle Kerdu’s optimism and take a spoonful every morning?"


Vibrant and inspiring:

Kerdu radiates inspiring energy, has the ability to connect with her audience, and delivers information in a dynamic way—whether on stage, in a meeting room, or through virtual platforms.


International experience:

Kerdu has graduated Auburn University and has also worked in the United States. Thanks to her fluent language skills, she has delivered trainings in English both in Estonia and internationally.

Want to train your team's mental muscles?

Mindset Fitness training topics

5 Steps to Discover Self-Handicapping

Kas oled valmis tuvastama hirmud, mis sind tegelikult takistavad saavutamast suuremat professionaalset edu?

Juhtide ja meeskondade kasvu piiravad tihti alateadlikud hirmud. Selles praktilises ja magistritööl baasil loodud töötoas avastad, kuidas need takistused enda kasuks pöörata.

Pikkus: 60-90 min

Find out more and get in touch!


Do you procrastinate, hesitate, doubt yourself or fear failure?

STOP-tehnika on teaduspõhistest elementifdest koosnev võimas tööriist negatiivsete mõttemustrite katkestamiseks ja emotsioonide kontrolli juhtimiseks.

Imagine a life where you replace fear with courage and peace and start taking steps to achieve your goals.

PIKKUS: 1 hr

Find out more and get in touch!


Do you want training that helps the team break through fears and build self-confidence?

The two-part training helps to identify self-handicapping and to take control of emotions with the STOP technique.

Practical knowledge and strategies will lead you to greater team productivity and goals.

PIKKUS: 2-3 hr

Find out more and get in touch!

Past events

Mindset Fitness trainings

Kerdu not only inspires you or your team to change your mindset but also teaches how to do it through engaging mindset training sessions.

/ Kerdu Lenear

"Still the same girl with the same name, just a different MINDSET and a new game."

I am Kerdu – a former professional basketball player who made a life-changing pivot at nearly age of 40 when I discovered how to train my own mindset. 

Inspired by personal growth and transformation, I founded the Mindset Fitness platform – gym for your mind. As a mindset coach I work with professional athletes and train businesses level up their team performance.

My experience and working with athletes has taught me how to build skills like staying focused, managing emotions, and boosting confidence under pressure. These same skills are just as important in business, where leaders often face tough decisions and unexpected challenges.

I recently completed my MBA at TalTech, adding to my bachelor’s degree in communications from Auburn University. In my master’s thesis, I studied the impact of self-handicapping—how the fear of failure and success holds people back in both sports and business. From this research, I developed a 5-step strategy to identify and overcome self-handicapping behaviors.

I am a certified neuroencoding specialist and keynote speaker, trained by Joseph McClendon III. I use this expertise daily as a coach and a trainer. See tähendab seda, et oskan teadsuspõhiseid meetoideid kasutades aidata negatiivseid käitumismustreid murda soovitud tulemuste saavutamiseks. 

I’m also a member of BNI (Business Networking International), the world’s leading business networking organization, and currently serve as president of the North Star Tallinn group.  

The core values of Mindset Fitness are inspired by Kobe Bryant’s Mamba Mentality,, mida inspireeris lähemalt uurima minu unustamatu kohtumine varalahkunud legendiga Adidas tänavakorvpalliturniiril Pariisis. 

My mission is to inspire athletes, business leaders, and their teams to reach the next level by turning fears into strengths and doubts into confidence through mindset training.

Let's get further faster!

Change you mindset, change your life.

Kerdu Lenear - Mindset Fitness Founder and CEO

Feedback from

Kerdu's inspiration to others

Read what people who have worked with Kerdu are saying.

Margot Lelle
Margot Lelle

Head of B2B ICT Solutions Delivery and Operations at Telia

"In my opinion, the topic of self-handicapping is very important and would actually help all people to become more aware of themselves and to develop the ability to overcome their fears, but in particular it could benefit managers who have bigger projects, decisions and responsibilities and who could further help their people as well. I think that with this training, you will learn to observe and notice yourself and others, and therefore you will be able to behave more consciously in the following situations."

Remo Ojaste
Remo Ojaste

Combat Ready CEO

"I was already quite aware before the training, but it consolidated previously known knowledge from a different angle. Every person needs to make decisions, and this method tells how to structure disconnection from emotions. Emotional decisions are never good decisions. I especially liked the hands-on approach and trial and error, which created a deeper understanding of how to consolidate and structure my own techniques. The personal story through the athlete's point of view added value."

Jaanika Rannula

Participant in the Äripäev Koolituskonverents

"Kerdu was a good communicator, meaningful and practical. A good reminder to pat yourself on the back from time to time and say thank you! It's especially nice that you came to me during the break and continued the topic. What an attentiveness!"

Krista Luts


"The training was very effective and useful for me. The STOP technique turned out to be a simple and practical tool that I could start using immediately. The explanations of how the brain works helped me better understand my own reactions and behavioral patterns. The training confirmed the fears that I was already aware of and gave me the opportunity to deal with them more consciously and effectively. The techniques I learned worked quickly and were simple and clear in structure."

Margus Maidla

Ministry of Finance

"The most useful topic of the training for me was the STOP technique, which helped me become more aware of the need to stop negative thoughts and reactions. I found the technique to be effective and the trainer's explanations were clear enough to understand the topics"



"I practiced the STOP technique consistently every morning, and it helped me stay calm in difficult communication situations. I find the technique very effective and efficient, and I definitely plan to continue using it."

Priit Valk
Priit Valk

top executive, entrepreneur, money wisdom enthusiast

"Understanding self-obstacle and self-analysis based on it is very useful not only in management, but in every area of ​​life. It allows managers to better understand employees and gives one additional tool to help their team find areas for development. Through self-analysis, I discovered how I can simply increase my efficiency and I found a topic that I didn't realize existed for a long time. As a quick decision maker, I have taken more time than usual to make a decision for myself. Instead of simply trusting the opinion of experts and moving forward based on it in many workshops. The Self-Resistance workshop opened up the opportunity to look inside yourself instead of just giving a large amount of knowledge without the ability to use it in practice."

Kaari Kangro

Participant at the Central Estonian Entrepreneurial Women's Conference

"I liked the active audience involvement, which helped to solidify what was shared. I understood more clearly how fear of success was holding me back, and I can now notice it better. The simplicity of the STOP technique was very effective for me. I take with me the thought: "There are no fearless people, there are people who fear less."

Ege Riitsalu
Ege Riitsalu

Ägeege CEO

"Kerdu helped me keep my many thoughts and ideas in a mess and find focus. With small, consistent steps, he has supported me in taking the email list, the first video training and other steps towards my dreams. I am grateful for the very pleasant cooperation. I highly recommend it!"

Laura Kassin
Laura Kassin

Personalileidja CEO

"Kerdu motivates, energizes and makes business and mindset tips 'easy to digest' for everyone. He always brings warmth and positivity to his endeavors. His knowledge and recommendations on digital marketing have had a great impact on my own business goals. Kerdu is a great person to work with ."
