Break through your fears and self-handicapping with the 10-day STOP process.
99,00 €
Do you often procrastinate, doubt yourself, or fear rejection, failure, or even success? You are not alone. Many people face these dream-stealers. Transform your life with the simple yet powerful STOP technique. This easy, but highly effective tool teaches you how to interrupt negative thought patterns and take control of your emotions so they no longer control you.
Imagine a life where you can effortlessly replace fear and frustration with courage and calm. Where, instead of procrastinating, you start taking action that helps you reach your goals and increase your productivity.
Join this 1-hour intensive session and start your 10-day journey to mastering emotional management today!
To stay in good physical shape, you work out, right? Our brain is like a supercomputer, programmed to follow your instructions. It does everything you tell it to do. It’s scientifically proven that you can reprogram your brain and create new results for yourself.
Mindset Fitness is the place where you learn to strengthen your mental muscles with practical exercises,taking your personal performance,, business või or team to the next level.
Unlock your full potential Mindset Fitness trainings, online programs, or personal mentoring. Our programs are designed to help ambitious teams, leaders, entrepreneurs, and athletes aged 10+ develop a growth mindset and the mental strength necessary, to gain the competitive edge for success.
Head of B2B ICT Solutions Delivery and Operations at Telia
"Enesetakistuse teema on minu meelest väga oluline ja aitaks kaasa tegelikult kõikidel inimestel iseendast teadlikumaks saamisel ning hirmudest ülesaamise oskuse arendamisel, kuid eelkõige võiks olla kasu juhtidel, kellel suuremad projektid, otsused ja vastutused ning kes võiksid aidata edasi omakorda ka oma inimesi. Ma arvan, et selle koolitusega õpid iseennast ja ka teisi jälgima ja märkama ning seetõttu oskad järgmistes olukordades teadlikumalt käituda."
professional basketball player (BC Kalev/Cramo)
"STOP tehnika mõjutas mind nii, et hakkasin hommikuti võtma aega iseendale, et rahulikult keskenduda. Tavaliselt on mu hommikud üsna kaootilised, aga see aitas mul aega maha võtta. Samuti muutus halbadele emotsioonidele mõtlemine järjest raskemaks."
Combat Ready CEO
"I was already quite aware before the training, but it consolidated previously known knowledge from a different angle. Every person needs to make decisions, and this method tells how to structure disconnection from emotions. Emotional decisions are never good decisions. I especially liked the hands-on approach and trial and error, which created a deeper understanding of how to consolidate and structure my own techniques. The personal story through the athlete's point of view added value."
professional basketball player/president of Haapsalu Herilased
"Mindset Fitness treening on väga kasulik noortele, aidates arendada mõtlemisoskust juba varajases eas. Treening õpetab juhtima ja kontrollima oma mõtteid ja emotsioone. Eriliselt meeldejääv oli heleda ja tumeda koera jutustus, mis võib aidata muuta mõtteviisi. "
professional soccer player (FC Flora)
“There are so many cool tools to use. I would especially point out visualization, inner speech and meditation. For example, before the last game I visualized different ways to score a goal and I scored in the first minute. This is definitely one thing that has started working immediately. I use the internal speech in every training and game. Even though I had heard about many of these things before, the program helped to re-establish them. There were definitely things I didn't know. It's powerful put together and very useful for anyone! You don't have to be a top athlete, the younger you start, the better."
TalTech/RIM coach
Mindset Fitness training helped young athletes learn how to manage their thoughts, which improved their performance. It was especially important for young athletes to learn how to cope in various stressful situations, using breathing techniques and thinking about the right things at the right time. They also learned how to prepare for training, set goals and find a suitable routine before competitions. The skills learned during practice helped significantly improve the team's free throw percentage, which was 52% at mid-season and rose to 78% by the end of the season, showing a 26% increase. This was achieved not by training free throws, but by developing the thinking muscle of the players and how to cope in stressful situations. Coping with your thoughts is an under-trained skill among young athletes. If you pay attention to it a few times a month, young athletes can improve their performance both individually and as a team, become more confident and enjoy their activities more. The interest of the coaches themselves is important in order to provide young athletes with the necessary instruction outside of the sport.
Combat Ready instructor and Äripäev trainer of the year special award 2023
“Very powerful! Thanks for that. I really didn't remember that negativity anymore."
mother of a young basketball player
"As a former top athlete, Kerdu knows very well what mental preparation tricks young athletes might need on their way to the top. The Mindset Fitness course is structured in a way that young people can easily understand, the explanations are mixed with humor and videos and examples from real life are used for illustration. My 13-year-old basketball player listened to everything casually and with great interest, taking several pages of additional notes on his own initiative. He would treat his schoolwork with the same enthusiasm! A very necessary program that will definitely bring benefits, no matter what field you work in."
basketball player
"It was easy to understand because the explanations were good and simple. Talking in your form made it feel like talking face to face. The videos were fun and the exercises were interesting. Also got useful exercises. For example, "pizza breathing", which I have started to use both when shooting free throws and before testing, and it has helped me calm down."
Our mindset training expert Kerdu is a mother of two young athletes, and always inspiring. She is a former professional basketball player who transformed her life around the age of 40 when she discovered how to train her own mindset.