Kerdu Lenear

Inspiring. Practical.



Kerdu not only inspires you and your team to change the way you think, but also teaches you how to do it through practical mindset trainings.

Train Your Team for Peak Performance

Manage emotions, increase courage and stay competitive

Reaching the top in business requires the same courage, focus, and consistency as in elite sports. Uncertainty and fear can lead to indecision and self-doubtthat hinders growth and innovation.

Mindset Fitness helps you and your team:

  1. Make bold decisions quickly – avoid the trap of overanalysing and keep your focus on what is important.
  2. Manage stress and emotions – use techniques from elite athletes to stay confident under pressure.
  3. Practice a winning mentality – develop habits that will help you stay competitive and succeed.

We train teams like professional athletes and turn fears into victories!

Mindset Fitness CEO & Founder

Kerdu Lenear

What do you need?

Why invite Kerdu for a training?

Kerdu not only inspires you, your team or audience to improve the quality of your life, but also teaches you how to do it through fun, practical and science based mindset exercises, in both Estonian and English.

Online Fitness

Practical exercises & tools:

Kerdu ensures that you leave each workshop not only with a deeper understanding of the theory but also equipped with practical exercises or a step-by-step guide that you can immediately put into practice.

Strong Muscle


Participants in Kerdu's workshops risk becoming addicted to her optimism and positivity. As Pille-Riin Villem once said: "Could we somehow bottle Kerdu’s optimism and take a spoonful every morning?"


Vibrant and inspiring:

Kerdu radiates inspiring energy, has the ability to connect with her audience, and delivers information in a dynamic way—whether on stage, in a meeting room, or through virtual platforms.


International experience:

Kerdu has graduated Auburn University and has also worked in the United States. Thanks to her fluent language skills, she has delivered trainings in English both in Estonia and internationally.

Want to train your team's mental muscles?

Mindset Fitness training topics

5 Steps to Discover Self-Handicapping

Kas oled valmis tuvastama hirmud, mis sind tegelikult takistavad saavutamast suuremat professionaalset edu? Juhtide ja meeskondade kasvu piiravad tihti alateadlikud hirmud. Selles praktilises ja magistritööl baasil loodud töötoas avastad, kuidas need takistused enda kasuks pöörata. Pikkus: 60-90 min Uuri lähemalt ja võta ühendust!


Kas lükkad asju edasi, kahtled endas või kardad ebaõnnestumist? STOP-tehnika on teaduspõhistest elementidest koosnev võimas tööriist negatiivsete mõttemustrite katkestamiseks ja emotsioonide juhtimiseks. Kujuta ette elu, kus asendad hirmu julguse ja rahuga ning hakkad tegema samme oma eesmärkide saavutamiseks. PIKKUS: 1 hr Uuri lähemalt ja võta ühendust!


Soovid treeningut, mis aitab meeskonnal murda läbi hirmudest ja kasvatada enesekindlust? Kaheosaline koolitus aitab tuvastada enesetakistusi ning STOP-tehnikaga võtta emotsioonid kontrolli alla. Praktilised teadmised ja strateegiad viivad sindu meeskonna suurema produktiivsuse ja eesmärkideni. PIKKUS: 2-3 hr Uuri lähemalt ja võta ühendust!

Past events

Mindset Fitness trainings

Kerdu not only inspires you or your team to change your mindset but also teaches how to do it through engaging mindset training sessions.

/ Kerdu Lenear

"Still the same girl with the same name, just a different MINDSET and a new game."

Basketball wasn’t just my passion—it was my identity. It opened doors and took me from Estonia to the U.S., where I played Division 1 at Auburn University and later professionally in Europe. For 10 years, I proudly wore the Estonian national team jersey. I trained relentlessly, played through pain, and sacrificed so much to be my best. But no one ever taught me the most important skill—how to train my mind.

Like many athletes, I believed that working harder was the answer. But the more I pushed, the more fear, self-doubt, and hesitation held me back. I was limiting myself without even realizing it. When my playing career ended, I faced a question I wasn’t prepared for—who am I without basketball?

Determined to find answers, I began studying how mindset truly works. I discovered that mental strength can be trained just like physical strength, and that realization changed everything. I learned to break through my own limitations and prove to myself what I was truly capable of. I realized I was more than just an athlete—I was someone who could learn, grow, and redefine success. That’s when my journey as a mindset coach and entrepreneur began.

I earned an MBA from TalTech, where I researched self-handicapping—how fear holds back not only athletes but also business leaders and entrepreneurs. I became a Certified Neuroencoding Specialist under Joseph McClendon III and started sharing these tools with others. My entrepreneurial path also led me to become President of BNI North Star Tallinn (Business Networking International), where I lead one of Estonia’s business networking groups.

But I didn’t just want to gain knowledge—I wanted to share it. That’s why I founded Mindset Fitness—to help high achievers, whether in sports or business, train their mental muscles, develop a winning mindset, and break through the self-imposed barriers that limit their success.

As a mother of two young athletes, I see firsthand how critical it is to train the mind—not just for sports, but for life in general.

One of my biggest inspirations came from an unforgettable encounter with Kobe Bryant at an Adidas streetball tournament in Paris. At the time, I didn’t fully understand what Mamba Mentality meant. But years later, as I studied his mindset, it became a foundation for my work.

If you’re someone striving for the next level—whether in sports, business, or life—know this: your next breakthrough isn’t about working harder. It’s about thinking differently.

Because the mindset that drives elite athletes to win is the same mindset that builds unstoppable leaders.

Faster. Further. Together.

Change you mindset, change your life.

Kerdu Lenear - Mindset Fitness Founder and CEO

Feedback from

Kerdu's inspiration to others

Read what people who have worked with Kerdu are saying.

Margot Lelle
Margot Lelle

Head of B2B ICT Solutions Delivery and Operations at Telia

"Teema on minu meelest väga oluline ja aitaks kaasa tegelikult kõikidel inimestel iseendast teadlikumaks saamisel ning hirmudest ülesaamise oskuse arendamisel, kuid eelkõige võiks olla kasu juhtidel, kellel suuremad projektid, otsused ja vastutused ning kes võiksid aidata edasi omakorda ka oma inimesi. Ma arvan, et selle koolitusega õpid iseennast ja ka teisi jälgima ja märkama ning seetõttu oskad järgmistes olukordades teadlikumalt käituda."

Remo Ojaste
Remo Ojaste

Combat Ready CEO

"I was already quite aware before the training, but it consolidated previously known knowledge from a different angle. Every person needs to make decisions, and this method tells how to structure disconnection from emotions. Emotional decisions are never good decisions. I especially liked the hands-on approach and trial and error, which created a deeper understanding of how to consolidate and structure my own techniques. The personal story through the athlete's point of view added value."

Jaanika Rannula

Participant in the Äripäev Koolituskonverents

"Kerdu oli hea suhtleja, sisukas ja praktiline. Hea meeldetuletus, et aeg-ajalt patsuta õlale ja ütle endale aitäh! Eriti tore, et sa tulid pausi ajal veel minu juurde ja jätkasid teemaga. Milline tähelepanelikkus!"

Krista Luts


"Koolitus oli minu jaoks väga tõhus ja kasulik. STOP-tehnika osutus lihtsaks ja praktiliseks tööriistaks, mida sain kohe kasutama hakata. Aju toimimise selgitused aitasid mul paremini mõista enda reaktsioone ja käitumismustreid. Koolitus kinnitas hirme, mille olemasolust olin juba teadlik, ning andis võimaluse nendega teadlikumalt ja tõhusamalt tegeleda. Õpitud tehnikad toimisid kiiresti ja olid ülesehituselt lihtsad ja selged."

Margus Maidla

Ministry of Finance

"Koolituse kõige kasulikum teema minu jaoks oli STOP-tehnika, mis aitas mul paremini teadvustada vajadust peatada negatiivseid mõtteid ja reaktsioone. Leidsin, et tehnika oli tõhus ja koolitaja selgitused olid piisavalt selged, et teemasid mõista"



"Ma praktiseerisin STOP-tehnikat järjepidevalt igal hommikul ning see aitas mul keerulistes suhtlemissituatsioonides rahulikuks jääda. Leian, et tehnika on väga tõhus ja mõjus, ning kavatsen seda kindlasti ka edaspidi kasutada."

Priit Valk
Priit Valk

top executive, entrepreneur, money wisdom enthusiast

"Enesetakistuse mõistmine ja selle alusel tehtav eneseanalüüs on väga kasulik mitte ainult juhtimises, vaid igal elualal. Juhtidel võimaldab see paremini mõista töötajaid ja annab ühe lisa tööriista, et aidata oma tiimil leida kohti arenguks. Läbi eneseanalüüsi avastasin, kuidas saan lihtsalt enda efektiivsust tõsta ning leidsin üles ühe teema, mille olemasolu endale ammu polnud teadvustanud. Muidu kiire otsustajana olen mõnes olukorras võtnud otsustamiseks tavapärasest rohkem aega keeruka sisu endale ise "pulkadeni" selgeks tegemiseks. Selle asemel, et usaldada lihtsalt ekspertide arvamust ja selle alusel kiirelt edasi liikuda. Olen osalenud paljudes töötubades. Enesetakistuse töötuba avas võimaluse rohkem vaadata enda sisse selle asemel, et anda lihtsalt järjekordselt suurel hulga mingeid teadmisi ilma nende praktilise kasutamise oskuseta."

Kaari Kangro

Participant at the Central Estonian Entrepreneurial Women's Conference

"Mulle meeldis aktiivne publiku kaasamine, mis aitas jagatut kinnistada. Sain selgemalt aru, kuidas hirm edu ees mind tagasi hoiab, ja oskan seda nüüd paremini märgata. STOP-tehnika lihtsus oli minu jaoks väga tõhus. Endaga võtan kaasa mõtte: "There are no fearless people, there are people who fear less."

Ege Riitsalu
Ege Riitsalu

Ägeege CEO

"Kerdu aitas mu rohkete mõtete ja ideede segaduses hoida ja leida fookust. Väikeste järjepidevate sammudega on ta toetanud mul meililisti, esimese videokoolituse ja muude sammude astumisel mu unistuste suunas. Olen tänulik väga meeldiva koostöö eest. Soovitan soojalt!"

Laura Kassin
Laura Kassin

Personalileidja CEO

"Kerdu motiveerib, annab energiat ning muudab äri- ja mõtteviisinipid kõigile "kergesti seeditavaks". Ta toob oma ettevõtmistesse alati soojust ja positiivsust. Tema teadmised ja soovitused digitaalse turunduse kohta on avaldanud suurt mõju minu enda ärieesmärkidele. Kerdu on suurepärane inimene, kellega koostööd teha."
