Change your life with the simple yet powerful STOP process


Break through your fears and self-handicapping with the 10-day STOP process.


There are no FEARLESS people, there are just people who FEAR LESS

Joseph McClendon III.


Fear is only an emotion, and you can train yourself to overcome it in order to step more boldly towards your goals. Want to know how?

Reframe your thinking and create a new reality

This technique is a game changer for anyone who wants to:


Learn to identify and change habitual negative thoughts and behaviors that hold you back.


Improve focus and develop the ability to make informed, thoughtful decisions.

manage emotions

Strengthen emotional self-control and learn to manage your emotions instead of letting them dictate your behavior.

increase balance

Increase overall well-being and increase balance to feel calmer and happier.

The 10-day STOP program includes:

Life changes in just 10 days

We present to you the 10-day program of certified neurocoding specialist Kerdu Leneari. Are you ready to take control of your emotions?

The program is conducted by Kerdu Lenear:

neuroencoding specialist

The life-changing power of the STOP process

By training yourself to use the STOP technique, you may experience the following changes:

Reduce stress

Reduce stress and anxiety by staying calm even in stressful situations.

Improve relationships

Improve your emotional reactions by managing your relationships

Increase productivity

Increase productivity by keeping your mind clear and focused and improve your ability to complete tasks effectively.


To get out of insecurity and fears faster and thereby increase self-confidence

Get to know Kerdu:

Kerdu Lenear

    Kerdu on abikaasa, kahe noore sportlase ema ja endine professionaalne korvpallur, kelle elu muutus pea 40-aastaselt, kui ta avastas mõttemuskli treenimise jõu. See teadmine aitas tal murda läbi enesekahtlustest ja hirmudest, viies ta uuele teekonnale ettevõtja, koolitaja ja mindset coachina. Ta on Mindset Fitnessi asutaja, omandas TalTechis MBA kraadi ning Joseph McClendon III sertifitseeritud neurokodeerimise spetsialist. Ta sitab sportlastel ja ettevõtjatel ületada takistusi, muutes hirmud tugevuseks ja kahtlused enesekindluseks.

    Get ready to overcome your limits!

    Feedback from STOP technique training:

    Gerd Kanter
    Gerd Kanter

    former Estonian discus thrower, Olympic and world champion

    "10-päevane programm oli huvitav ja oskusi arendav. Ennast järjepidevalt ebamugavustega silmitsi seadmine õpetas pingelistes olukordades segajaid eirama. Uue tehnika praktiseerimine aitas ühte enda senist nõrkust oluliselt tugevdada. Õpitud tehinika kasutamine aitas süvendada enesekindlust ebameeldivates olukordades. Nüüd suudan teadlikumalt segajaid ignoreerida ja lõpptulemusele keskenduda. Soovitan kõigile, kes igapäevaselt puutuvad kokku väljakutsuvate olukordade ja eesmärkidega, mis nõuavad pidevat keskendumist ja enda tagant tõukamist."

    Jukka Toijala
    Jukka Toijala

    Former head coach of the Estonian men's national basketball team

    "Korvpall on väga taktikaline ja äärmiselt kiire mäng. Treener peab mängu ajal tegema palju otsuseid. Mindset Fitnessi tehnika aitab keskenduda õigetele asjadele mängu ajal. See aitas mul muuta, kuidas reageerin pingelistes olukordades. Jäin rahulikuks ja tasakaalukaks olukordades, kus varem oleksin käitunud närviliselt. Soovitan seda igale treenerile!"

    Artur Konontšuk
    Artur Konontšuk

    professional basketball player

    "Olen alati olnud oma emotsioonidega kinnine ja sageli neid alla surunud. Mindset Fitness on olnud minu jaoks mängumuutja, aidates kiiresti halbadest emotsioonidest väljuda ja vead seljataha jätta. Näiteks pärast rasket esimest poolaega polnud mul enesekindlust. Tavaliselt oleks see mõjutanud kogu mängu, kuid poolajal kasutasin õpitud tehnikat, muutsin oma mõtteviisi ja tulin tagasi tugevamana – skoorides oma karjääri rekordi Saksamaa liigas. Kasutan seda tehnikat ka edaspidi mängudes, treeningutel ja mujal."

    Robert Täht
    Robert Täht

    professional vollayball player

    "See on hea igapäevane mõttemuskli treening. STOP-tehnika annab mulle täiendava tugipunkti, millest kinni haarata, kui asjad hakkavad kontrolli alt väljuma."

    Mailis Pokk
    Mailis Pokk

    professional basketball player

    "STOP tehnika aitab mul kiiremini ja tõhusamalt edasi liikuda, ilma negatiivsetesse mõtetesse kinni jäämata. See annab mulle võimaluse rahuneda, märgata oma edusamme ja keskenduda olulisele. Tänu sellele tunnen end keerulistes olukordades rahulikumana, enesekindlamana ja suudan vajalikke otsuseid paremini ellu viia."

    Priit Lilleväli
    Priit Lilleväli

    Combat Ready instructor and Äripäev trainer of the year special award 2023

    “Very powerful! Thanks for that. I really didn't remember that negativity anymore."

    Remo Ojaste
    Remo Ojaste

    Combat Ready CEO

    "I was already quite aware before the training, but it consolidated previously known knowledge from a different angle. Every person needs to make decisions, and this method tells how to structure disconnection from emotions. Emotional decisions are never good decisions. I especially liked the hands-on approach and trial and error, which created a deeper understanding of how to consolidate and structure my own techniques. The personal story through the athlete's point of view added value."

    Are you ready?

    Are you ready to break the behavior patterns that prevent you, overcome your fears and move more confidently towards your goals?

    STOP technique independent training

    FREE Mindset Fitness combo for every participant (worth €59):

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